The Adventures of Breezy and Spitz

Happy almost end of July! Wow, this month FLEW by, especially for our feathered friends.

As many of you already know, today was a very exciting day for the youngest chick, Spitz. He finally fledged! At 8:50 AM, Spitz took his first flight, but have no fear, he didn’t go far because he landed on top of the camera. Spitz didn’t stay there very long, then became more daring and flew all the way to our boatlift, where he/she rested for a few hours. One of the parents joined him to check in and make sure that everything was running smoothly. Unfortunately, we were not home to see Spitz’s return to the nest, but some of our faithful Facebook friends noted that he arrived home around 1:30 PM. Many of you also believe that there was a “stranger” on the nest today, but again, since we were not home, we did not see that drama play out. I can tell you that there have been strangers on the nest in the past, so it is very possible that a neighboring osprey took a pit stop.  Tom and Audrey are not very happy when intruders stop by, and usually chase off the unwanted visitor with gusto.  Here are some photos of Spitz’s great adventure.  Remember, you can click on each photo to enlarge it for your viewing pleasure:

Spitz's first flight.  Notice the prominent necklace (dark chest feathers)

Spitz’s first flight. Notice the prominent necklace (dark chest feathers)



Spitz on our boat lift


Spitz and a parent around 11:15 AM

Spitz and a parent around 11:15 AM


Of course, we can’t forget about Breezy, who is also attempting to make headlines. Yesterday while we were eating breakfast, Breezy took off from the nest and dove into the water. A few seconds passed and then he resurfaced and slowly took off, much to our relief. We were somewhat confused, but we brushed it off and continued eating. About a minute later, Breezy took the plunge again. This time it got our attention and we watched as he continued to dive into the water and then resurface, each time struggling to get back into the air. We realized that these were, in fact, his inexperienced attempts to fish. Each dive took more and more energy from him. After five minutes and five heart-stopping plunges, he stopped and safely landed on our dock.  Fortunately for our resident menhaden, Breezy needs more practice before he can provide snacks for the family.  But he is really trying out his new found fishing skills, and it won’t be long before dinner will be served!

This past weekend, COM installed the three perches that I mentioned in the last blog. The main function of the perches is to provide an alternative landing spot for the osprey, because they thoroughly enjoy using our boatlift to hang out. The problem with their choice of hangouts is our boat cover becomes an osprey potty, which is very unpleasant for the humans who enjoy using their boat (us!).  Audrey was not happy with COM, and kept circling around making very loud alarm cries.


COM laying the bases for the perches

COM pounding in the perch bases


Audrey circling COM

Audrey circling COM


Keeping a close eye out for Audrey, who was circling overhead making unhappy noises

Keeping a close eye out for Audrey, who was circling overhead making unhappy noises


Another trudge out to install the perches

Another trip out to install the perches


COM installing last perc

COM installing last perch


Here is a family portrait taken a couple of days before Spitz fledged.  Guess who can be seen fussing?

Family portrait.  Spitz is yapping at everyone.  Are you surprised?

Family portrait. Spitz is yapping at everyone. Are you surprised?


Keep sending in your “Where In The World Are Tom and Audrey” photos.  Here is this week’s winner:


Mr. Cooley watching from the Maryland State Highway Administration.

Mr. Cooley watching from the Maryland State Highway Administration.


Thank you for contributing to my research, you guys are the best!  Please keep posting any sightings of fish coming back into the nest, with time and species if possible.

Adios Amigos,

Until Next Time,

Osprey Girl


They Grow Up So Fast

Good evening!  Congratulations are in order for one of our favorite birds.  Breezy took his first flight on July 17, 2014 at 11:08 a.m.  Remember, you can click on each photo to enlarge it for your viewing pleasure:

First day of flight

First day of flight

Once he left the nest, Breezy landed on some rocks by the water one house to the north of us.  When ospreys take their first flight, they usually find a large stable place on which to land because their depth perception and balance have not completely developed yet.  Breezy rested on the shoreline for a while, but his moment of peace was quickly interrupted by our neighbor’s lawnmower.  Poor Breezy made eye contact with the loud frightening machine and then clumsily flew away.  We then lost sight of him until he returned to the nest later on in the day.  Many of our viewers were concerned because Breezy was away for a while, but similar to any teen with a new license, the last place he wanted to be was home.  He was probably somewhat disoriented and afraid.  After all, to make a perfect landing for the first time on the nest is no easy task.  Eventually, he made it home safe and sound.  It is now four days after his first flight and he is already a pro.  Breezy dives, turns, rapidly maneuvers, speeds up and slows down, basking in his new found freedom.  You can tell he is really enjoying himself, his flight appears joyful.  As for his whereabouts when not in the nest, Breezy has been spending most of his time in our neighbor’s tree to the north of us.  This is the same tree that Tom used last year to break branches off in flight to use in the nest.  Spitz is due at any moment to fledge and we will all continue to watch the camera like hawks.

Freedom-Day 2 of flight

Freedom-Day two of flight

Landing is still a bit shaky.  Who is watching from the tree?

Day three. Landing is still a bit shaky. Who is watching from the tree?

We have also been noticing more ospreys flying around and assume that other juveniles in the area are fledging.  COM plans to put the perches back up in the water, but unfortunately, the tides have not been favorable for his task.  Once they go in, I will post more pictures to show every one.  Just to keep things interesting, COM put out another marked stick, which made its way to the nest within 24 hours of being in the back yard.  Mrs. COM put one out last week, but it disappeared without making its way into our nest.  I guess another osprey is enjoying the decorative addition to his nest.

Family reunions are the best. Day four of flight (Sunday afternoon)

Family reunions are the best. Day four of flight (Sunday afternoon)

Lastly, I feel like a broken record, but THANK YOU for the help with the fish research project, I couldn’t do it without the help from all of the loyal viewers.  Remember to send in your photos for the “Where in the World Are Tom and Audrey” contest.  Here is one from last year:

Nurse Sue and friends watching from Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Maryland

Nurse Sue and friends watching from Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Maryland

Adios Amigos,

Until next time,

Osprey Girl




Super Night, Super Moon

Good evening, everyone!  As many of you know, last night was the super moon or perigee moon.  Super moons occur when the moon becomes full at the same time that it is closest to us in its orbit around Earth.  There was a super moon in June, and there will be another one in August.  It is very unusual to have three super moons in a row, so take advantage of this phenomenon and take a look on August 10.  Unfortunately, we were not home to watch the entire scene unfold, but did get home in time to snap a few photographs which I would love to share.  If you click on these two photos to enlarge them, you will see the light reflecting on osprey eyes, very cool:


Super Moon over the nest

Super Moon over the nest


Flapping under the Super Moon

Moonlight Landing


Many of you have asked how to tell the two chicks apart; hopefully these tips will help.  The darker baby is Breezy.  If you look carefully, his head and neck have more black than his sibling.  When compared with Spitz, you should be able to identify the differences.  Spitz has less black and more white on his head and neck.  He also fusses more than Breezy.  I am using “him”, “his” and “he” for convenience, and not because the gender of the chicks is known at this time.  We have asked Dr. Spitzer to give us his expert opinion, and will share it with you as soon as we know.

The Osprey Family-everyone is in the nest and someone is getting fed

The Osprey Family-everyone is in the nest and someone is getting fed

Yesterday, Audrey was attempting to shade Spitz from the sun, but despite their efforts, Spitz has gotten too big to be shaded.  If you were watching the camera around 2:30 p.m. on Friday, you would have noticed some triple head bobbing going on, sometimes right into the camera.  Breezy, Spitz and Audrey all participated in this event and it was pretty funny to watch.

A recent visitor to the end of our dock-is it time for happy hour?

A recent visitor to the end of our dock-is it time for happy hour?

We have been watching Breezy flapping and hopping, which has turned into flapping and hovering.  One of these times, he is going to be carried away by a gust of wind, and flight will start whether he likes it or not!  I will continue to keep everyone up to date as the excitement continues.

Adios Amigos,

Until next time,

Osprey Girl



“You Should See The One That Got Away” -Tom

Wow, it’s already July 10th, I hope everyone is staying cool! I wanted to start by saying how much I appreciate your contributions to the citizen science research about the osprey’s fishing habits. The spreadsheets are starting to take shape and I can’t wait until we have our final outcome! If you could continue to monitor the fish with me, I would be very thankful. Those of you on Facebook have probably seen pictures from the Great Give visit. The Great Give is a fundraiser for non- profit organizations in the Annapolis, Maryland area. The Chesapeake Conservancy participated in this year’s Great Give and the individuals who donated the most were treated to a private tour of Tom and Audrey’s nest. During the tour, two sticks marked with yellow tape were put out in the yard. By the morning, both sticks were in the nest and if you look closely to the right, one stick is still visible.


Audrey guarding her nest.

I am aware that some of you are concerned about the well-being and nourishment of the chicks. We appreciate everyone’s concern for our feathery friends but have no fear, the chicks are well fed and doing fine. Even if the chicks were not being properly nourished, the best thing for the Conservancy to do is not interfere. We must let nature take its course, even if it is hard to watch.  Recent interventions have been made at other nests due to situations created by human actions.



On that note, I would love to share this week’s excitement with all of you. This occurred yesterday at noon when Audrey was away from the nest. Tom brought a relatively large Menhaden back to the nest and sat there with the babies for a bit. When Audrey realized that there was food at home, she immediately returned to the nest, hoping to grab a quick bite. Tom was obviously not in the sharing mood and took off, fish in talons, to a dock two houses down. He returned a short while later with the headless fish, which was used to feed the rest of the family. Thanks, Dad. Keep in mind Tom must eat first, or no one eats.


Tom’s lunch!

Breezy and Spitz continue their wing exercises, sometimes despite twenty mile an hour winds and looming thunderstorms.  Their flap-hops have started, which means first flight can’t be too far away.  Last year, the oldest chick, Chester, first took flight on July 19th, closely followed by her siblings, Essie and Ozzie.  In the not too distant future, Breezy and Spitz will be earning their own private pilot’s licenses. Keep those entries for the “Where In The World Are Tom and Audrey?” contest coming.  One photo will be posted on each blog, and a grand prize winner will be awarded for the 2014 season!

Felix watching the ospreycam from Kent Island, Maryland

Felix watching the ospreycam from Kent Island, Maryland

Adios Amigos, Until Next Time, Osprey Girl